The Voices of the Bhutanese in Minnesota

Posts tagged ‘Radhika Katel’

Meet our Participants!

You can read their bio’s, interviews, and see their photographs on our website at !
Find more information under the “Your Stories” tab.

Go To From Exile to Resettlement

Our participants are living records of their time and environment: their exile, refugee life, and resettlement for their future as Minnesotans.These recordings reveal the participants’ intimate knowledge, experience, and personal observations that serve as a divining rod to an unrealized wealth of survival, resilience, and hope.

We thank them for their unfailing support and participation of this project for future generations of Bhutanese Americans.

Click on the images to go to the participant’s page!
In alphabetical order:

Ambika AdhikariRenuka HumagaiRadhika KatelYasodha KhatiwadaShara MoteyArjun PradhanMangala Sharma